How This Site Works

To make this site more interesting, it is designed to deliver pictures to you over time.

If you just want to browse the site, go ahead and select an album and then click on the Update button to get the next set of pictures in that album. The web page will refresh, making the next set of pictures available. You can continue to do this to see subsequent sets of pictures, but if you leave the page and then come back, you will be starting over.

If you register to create an account, then the site will keep track of the pictures you have already accessed, so your album will display those pictures when you login. When you click on the Update button, you will get the next set of pictures starting from that point. Using the Subscription Options for each album, you can also choose to have the next set of pictures automatically updated to your album on a daily or weekly basis. In addition, these pictures can be emailed to you. This way you will be surprised with new pictures each day or week in your inbox! Your email will not be given out or used for anything other than this purpose.

At any time, you can choose to stop having pictures automatically updated and/or sent by email. You can also close your account if you no longer want to participate in the site, and your records will be deleted.

This site uses an SSL certificate to protect your email address and your password.

At the bottom of each album page is a reset button so that you can start over with that album.

Please enjoy! Send any feedback to

Copyright 2015 Brent Jensen